Monday, October 19, 2009

The Road

On Saturday I sent my book to the printer. I rushed into the UPS store a few minutes before closing, taped up a box with a hard and soft copy of the book, and sent it packing.

I'm surprised at the amount of effort it has taken to get this far. I can see why some give up. As a first time writer I naively thought that writing and publishing a book was little more than typing on the computer for a few months and then sending the manuscript to a publisher who then sends you a big fat check. Not so my friends, not so--at least for those of us not named Stephenie Meyer or Scott Westerfield. No, for us unknowns the road to first time publication is quite often a dusty road filled with countless pot holes, blind corners and gigantic speed bumps. Its a long, lonely road that at its climax may never seem to end. However, for those who push on through the speed bumps and survive the potholes, the reward can be magnificent--so I hear.

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